tirsdag den 5. februar 2013

Jane Pejtersen's blog on globalization.

This blog is a part of an assignment for our class, Globalization and Professional Change 2013.

I am part of the international class at Blaagaard/ KDAS, where I study teaching. My main subject is English. I will also be studying music and arts in education.

By following my blog you will find updates on our assignments, relevant links, read my thoughts about globalization and more.

Please feel free to comment!

3 kommentarer:

  1. Denne kommentar er fjernet af forfatteren.

  2. Cool blog:) check out mine that I also just started -why voice? Www.missnorgaard.blogspot.com
    Håber alt er vel i det danske:)

  3. Hi Annette, I will:) Hope all is well with you! Best, Jane
