onsdag den 13. marts 2013


This week's theme is collaboration.
Our teacher, Birte Kjær Peulicke, introduced to us some great websites where teachers and students can find collaboration partners abroad. We also made an outline for a collaboration project which you can read about on my collaboration page.

While thinking more about collaboration I went on Youtube and found a wonderful TED Talk by Howard Reingold, which really is a 'must see' video on collaboration.

Copied from TED Talk:
Howard Rheingold talks about the coming world of collaboration, participatory media and collective action -- and how Wikipedia is really an outgrowth of our natural human instinct to work as a group.

søndag den 10. marts 2013


This week's theme is innovation.
I love innovating as it is a fun and challenging process to be a part of.

In 2011 I took an innovation course called Kunstgreb. I worked on two innovation projects at two firms and had great success. The innovation process takes time and there are many important factors to keep in mind. The fun part is to see how an idea becomes reality!

I created a website regarding my work with innovation which you can view here:
To read more about this week's theme you can click on my Innovation page. 

lørdag den 2. marts 2013

Teaching tolerance

www.tolerance.org has a series of inspirational videos on youtube.com

Here we follow the teacher, Lorence Tan who teaches 5th grade. His approach on teaching tolerance embraces engagement, empowerment and enactment. Please comment!

This video is controversial but non the less important.
Here we follow an interview with SPLC'c (the Southern Poverty Law Center is an American nonprofit civil rights organization) Maureen Costello discussing "mix up day".
Please comment!